自從羅馬學者Aulus Cornelius Celsus 在二千年前提出了發炎的表徵包括紅(Rubor)、腫(Tumor)、熱(Calor)、痛(Dolor)之後,疼痛與發炎的關係便牢不可破,加上急性受傷後之組織炎症現象,更加肯定了「受傷"發炎"疼痛」的關係。所以但凡急性或長期肌腱痛都一概被診為發炎。但除了發炎外,是否就沒有其他致痛原因?
疼痛並非界定發炎的絕對準則,組織中有否炎症細胞(巨噬細胞、T淋巴細胞、肥大細胞)與及前列腺素(Prostaglandin E2)水平是否飊升,才是炎症的指標。近代研究更發現,創傷後的炎症反應是重要修復過程,並非要除之而後快(Chan, and Fu, 2009)。
其實早在一九七六年,義大利學者Giancarlo Puddu已發現長期疼痛肌腱中的膠原蛋白碎裂分離,卻沒有炎症細胞,並首先以“Tendinosis” (慢性肌腱病變)的名稱來形容此現象(Puddu, et al., 1976),可惜當時「炎症」的理論較易為人接受,Puddu的發現並未引起多大注意(現在也好不了多少!)
大量研究發現長期疼痛肌腱中的膠原蛋白雜亂無章(Puddu, et al.,1976),纖維幼細及中斷,脆弱及鬆散的第三類膠原蛋白比例增加(Khan, et al., 1999),並有壞死及鈣化現象,肌腱的韌度及彈性也較差(Soslowsky, et al., 2000)。這就是為何肌腱變厚(不少人以為是骨頭變大)及活動初時肌腱繃緊疼痛的原因。簡單來說,就是肌腱霉爛、脆弱、無法復原,但絕非發炎。這些發現,完全推翻了一直流行的炎症理論,真是晴天霹靂,怎麼與聽到的不一樣!?
真正的肌腱炎並不常見,且在三至五星期內便自然痊癒(Khan, et al., 2000)。相反,慢性肌腱病變卻俯拾皆是,又難復原(Astrom, et al., 1995; Khan, and Cook, 2000)。
不少學者都認為應該放棄肌腱炎這名稱,免得誤導大眾及醫者以消炎的方法治療(Alfredson, 2005; Khan, and Cook, 2002; Sharma, and Maffulli, 2005)。
其實並非發炎才會致痛,慢性肌腱病變組織滲出的硫酸軟骨素(Chondroitin Sulphate)及神經傳導物質穀氨酸(Glutamate)也可刺激痛覺神經末梢產生痛楚(Alfredson, et al., 1999; Khan, et al., 2000)。同時,膠原蛋白排列紊亂,結構改變,承受張力時膠原蛋白異常變形,也可刺激肌腱之痛覺感受器致痛(Alfredson, et al., 1999; Khan, et al., 2000; Leadbetter, 1992)。
肌肉是運動的力量來源,是故有大量細胞核支持其新陳代謝及有充足血液供應,所以肌纖維能夠每七至十五天便更新一半(Goldspink, 1992),這麼快的更新速度能讓肌肉快速生長以適應訓練。肌肉力量要靠肌腱傳導至骨骼,肌腱的主要成份是膠原蛋白,但製造膠原蛋白的細胞卻少得可憐,又因為要承受強大且持續的肌肉拉力,血液供應僅可維生。因此在正常情況下,需約一年才可替換半數膠原蛋白,是故肌腱生長極之緩慢,受傷後也極難復原(Hardingham, et al., 1974)。
八成慢性肌腱病變需時三至六個月才有望復原(Khan, et al., 2000),處理不當更可『至死不癒』。患者應有合理期望,不要以為塗些藥酒、服點藥物、敷敷冰便會在數天內復原。治療方向是要重新誘發修復程序及改善病變組織的微循環,而非盲目的消炎止痛敷冰(Almekinders, et al., 1995; Collins, 2008)。
十四年前,英國運動醫學期刊總編Karim Khan已說過:“It’s the time to abandon the tendonitis myth”. 『是時候摒棄肌腱炎神話。』(Khan, and Cook, 2002)時至今日,神話依然,要改變根深蒂固的觀念,難似登天。
Almekinders, L.C., Baynes, A.J., Bracey, L.M. (1995). An in vitro investigation into the effects of repetitive motion and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications on human tendon fibroblasts. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 23, 119-123.
Alfredson, H. (2005). The chronic painful Achilles and patellar tendon: research on basic biology and treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 15, 252-259.
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Astrom, M., Rausing, A. (1995). Chronic Achilles tendinopathy. A survey of surgical and histopathologic findings. Clinical Orthopaedic, 316, 151-164.
Chan, K.M., Fu, S.C. (2009). Anti-inflammatory management for tendon injuries-friends or foes? Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology, 1(1), 23.
Collins, N.C. (2008). Is ice right? Does cryotherapy improve outcome for acute soft tissue injury? Emergency Medicine Journal, 25(2), 65-68.
Goldspink, G. (1992). Cellular and molecular aspects of adaptation in skeletal muscle. In: Komi, P.V. (Ed). The Encyclopaedia of sports medicine, Vol. III Strength and Power in Sport. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
Hardingham, T.E., Muir, H. (1974). Binding of hyaluronic acid to proteoglycans. Biochemical Journal, 139, 565.
Khan, K.M., Cook, J.L. (2002). Time to abandon the “tendonitis” myth. British Medical Journal, 324, 626-627.
Khan, K.M., Cook, J.L., Bonar, F., Harcourt, P., Astrom, M. (1999). Histopathology of common tendinopathies: Update and implications for clinical management. Sports Medicine, 27(6), 393-408.
Khan, K.M., Cook, J.L., Taunton, J.E., Bonar, F. (2000). Overuse tendinosis, not tendonitis. Part 1: A new paradigm for a difficult clinical problem. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 28(5), 38-48.
Leadbetter, W.B. (1992). Cell-matrix response in tendon injury. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 11(3), 533-578.
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Sharma, P., Maffulli, N. (2005). Tendon injury and tendinopathy: Healing and repair. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 87A(1), 187-202.
Soslowsky, L.J., Thomopoulos, S., Tun, S., Flanagan, C.L., Keefer, C.C., Mastow, J., Carpenter, J.E. (2000). Overuse activity injures the supraspinatus tendon in an animal model: a histologic and biomechanical study. Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 9(2), 79-84.