Everett Knowles奇蹟復原的病例轟動全美國,但眾人的焦點卻集中在冰敷斷肢上,以為一有甚麽創傷便要立刻冰敷,反而忽略了Ronald Malt高超的外科技術。及後在一九七八年,美國醫生Gabe Mirkin出版了“The Sports Medicine Book”,書中第九十四頁提到用冰敷處理急性運動創傷,並首先提出Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation療法,簡稱R.I.C.E.。此書一紙風行,R.I.C.E.遂成為治療急性運動創傷的金科玉律,已經深入民心,更有人應用在慢性勞損上,如纏綿不癒的網球肘,有些專家學者還建議人敷冰……敷冰。其理據就是這類肌腱疼痛主因是發炎,所以要用冰消炎。
其實在一九七六年已有學者証明這些慢性肌腱疼痛並非炎症引起 (Puddu, et al., 1976),為何要消炎?為何要消滅一個不存在的反應?退一萬步來說,假若真的是肌腱發炎,近代研究已証明炎症是修復過程的首要步驟,壓抑這步驟,便不能誘發隨後之再生及重塑階段(Chan, and Fu, 2009),那麽為何要冰敷消炎?為何要消滅修復過程的首要步驟?難道就是為了短暫止痛,卻犧牲長遠復原?值得嗎?
研究發現凝血時間在攝氏22度時比在37度時長三倍,“Clotting time were 3 times longer at 220C than at 370C”(Valeri, et al., 1995)。Sutor等又發現出血部位的温度為攝氏16度或更低時,出血時間及失血量明顯增加。“When the temperature of the wound was decreased to 160C or below, bleeding increased significantly in all normal persons.” (Sutor, et al., 1971)
血友病(Haemophilia)患者較易發生關節血腫(Haemarthroses),冰敷是處理這些血腫的常規療法,但Forsyth等發現施行冰敷在這些患者之受累關節上,有可能因阻礙凝血及生理性止血而加劇出血。冰敷亦未能顯示有助改善關節血腫之病情、止血或停止腫脹。“In patient with haemophilia with acute haemoarthrosis, ice application has potential to increase haemorrhage morbidity by further impairing coagulation and haemostasis. Ice has not been shown to improve overall outcome, stop bleeding nor swelling from haemarthrosis. ” (Forsyth, et al., 2012)
“William Hewson clearly demonstrated that cold retards coagulation by collecting blood in a container and immediately placing the container in ice. The blood remained fluid but when removed from the ice and left at room temperature it would clot shortly after.”上述文字記載於二零零四年Cecil Hougie所著之 “Thrombosis and Bleeding: An Era of Discovery. ”第七頁。
炎症階段對軟組織的癒合極其重要,對肌肉也不例外,沒有炎症,肌肉的再生會受阻礙(Lescaudron, et al., 1999; Robertson, et al., 1993)。在炎症階段,免疫細胞除了清除壞死組織外,還會分泌細胞因子(Cytokines)以吸引及活化肌肉衛星細胞(Satellite cell)作修復。例如由巨噬細胞(Macrophages)分泌的類胰島素一號生長因子 (Insulin-like growth factor-1, IGF-1)對肌肉修復非常重要(Lu, et al., 2011)
肌肉筋膜組織受傷後壞死是必然且必要的過程,也是修復程序的首要步驟。東京大學的研究發現,肌肉受傷後立刻冰敷二十分鐘,真的可以延遲受傷肌肉細胞壞死,但同時也阻礙肌肉細胞再生。二十八天後,無冰敷組的肌肉纖維面積比冰敷組多64.5%,同時,冰敷組肌肉中的膠原蛋白(瘢痕組織)比例,為無冰敷組的兩倍(18.9±1.3% vs 8.9±1.3%) ,這結果顯示冰敷不單阻慢受傷肌肉生再生,更會影響再生肌肉的品質 (Takagi, et al., 2011)。Takagi的結論,就是肌肉受傷後最好不要冰敷“it might be better to avoid icing”。
Takagi, R., Fujita, N., Arakawa, T., Kawada, S., Ishii, N., Miki, A. (2011). Influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury to skeletal muscles in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 110, 382-388.
Takagi, R., Fujita, N., Arakawa, T., Kawada, S., Ishii, N., Miki, A. (2011). Influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury to skeletal muscles in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 110, 382-388.
Takagi, R., Fujita, N., Arakawa, T., Kawada, S., Ishii, N., Miki, A. (2011). Influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury to skeletal muscles in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 110, 382-388.
最近亦有一類似研究,証明肌肉受傷後立刻冰敷二十分鐘,會壓抑炎症但同時阻礙受傷肌肉長出新血管(Angiogenesis)(Peake, et al., 2015)。荷蘭Maastricht University的研究又發現小腿拉傷人士接受冰敷並無好處(Prins, et al., 2011)。那麽熱敷又如何?日本金澤大學的研究再次証實肌肉受傷後立刻敷冰20分鐘會促進瘢痕組織形成。相反,受傷後48小時開始,持續兩星期,隔天以420C熱敷患處30分鐘,則有效促進肌肉生長復原及減少瘢痕組織增生(Shibaguchi, et al., 2016)。
二零一三年Ohio University 的Chad Starkey編著了一本書,名為“Therapeutic Modalities”,在第四版第119頁寫到:
* 單憑冷凍不能加速消腫。
(Cold application alone does not promote the removal of swelling)
* 冰敷壓抑新陳代謝從而抑制腫脹產生。
(Cryotherapy limits the formation of edema by reducing cell metabolism.)
* (冰敷)組織温度達270F (150C)之前,小動脈直經收縮較小靜脈大(也會抑制腫脹產生)。
(…the amount of arteriole vasoconstriction is greater than that for venules. This effect occurs until tissue temperatures decrease more than 270F(150C) .
* 冰敷增加液體黏性,阻礙靜脈及淋巴回流。
(…potentially could hinder the venous and lymphatic return mechanism by increasing fluid viscosity) .
* 過度持續冰敷會增加淋巴管滲透性,使液體從淋巴管滲出。
(Prolonged, inappropriate cooling can increase the permeability of superficial lymphatic vessels and result in the lymph contents spilling back into the tissue.)
F“Cold application alone doesnotpromotetheremoval of swelling.”
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, (2013) 27(5), 1354-1361.
Commonly used clinical intervention, seems to not improve but rather delay recovery from eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.
Ice-water immersion and delayed-onset muscle soreness: a randomised controlled trial.
Sellwood, K.L., Brukner, P., Williams, D., Nicol, A., Hinman, R.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, (2007). 41(6), 392-397.
The protocol of ice-water immersion used in this study was ineffectual in minimising markers of DOMS in untrained individuals. This study challenges the wide use of this intervention as a recovery strategy by athletes.
Journal of Athletic Training, (2012) 47(4), 435-443.
Insufficient evidence is available from randomized controlled trials (11 trials) to determine the relative effectiveness of R.I.C.E. therapy for acute ankle sprains in adults.”
Cooling an acute muscle injury: can basic scientific theory translated into the clinical setting?
Bleakley, C.M., Glasgow, P., Webb, M.J.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, (2011) 46, 296-298.
“Ice is commonly used after acute muscle strains but there are no clinical studies of its effectiveness.”
Influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury to skeletal muscles in rats.
Takagi, R., Fujita, N., Arakawa, T., Kawada, S., Ishii, N., Miki, A.
Journal of Applied Physiology, (2011) 110, 382-388.
Icing applied soon after a muscle crush injury could have retarded proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells ...........but also impairment of muscle regeneration along with a thicker collagen deposition around the regenerating muscle fibers. Judging from these findings, it might be better to avoid icing, although it has been widely used in sports medicine.
Should athletes return to sport after applying ice? A systematic review of the effect of local cooling on functional performance.
Bleakley, C.M., Costello, J.T., Glasgow, P.D.
Sports Medicine, (2012) 42(1), 69-87.
Athletes will probably be at a performance disadvantage if they return to activity immediately after cooling.(35 trials)
Is ice right? Does cryotherapy improve outcome for acute soft tissue injury?
Collins, N.C.
Emergency Medicine Journal, (2008) 25(2), 65-68.
There is insufficient evidence to suggest that cryotherapy improves clinical outcome in the management of soft tissue injuries. (6 human studies, 4 animal studies, 2 reviews)
British Journal of Sports Medicine, (2006) 40(8), 700-705.
The use of cryotherapy in the management of acute soft tissue injury is largely based on anecdotal evidence. Preliminary evidence suggests that intermittent cryotherapy applications are most effective at reducing tissue temperature to optimal therapeutic levels. However, its efficacy in treating injured human subjects is not yet known.
Intermittent applications may enhance the therapeutic effect of ice in pain relief after acute soft tissue injury
Journal of Athletic Training, (2004) 39(3), 278-279.
Based on the available evidence (55 trials), cryotherapy seems to be effective in decreasing pain. In comparison with other rehabilitation techniques, the efficacy of cryotherapy has been questioned.
American Journal of Sports Medicine, (2004) 32(1), 251-261.
“There waslittle evidence(22 trials) to suggest that the addition of ice to compression had any significant effect.”
The effects of ice massage, ice massage with exercise, and exercise on the prevention and treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness.
Isabell, M.S., Durrant, E., Myrer, W., Anderson, S.
Journal of Athletic Training, (1992) 27(3), 216-217.
“The pattern of the data suggested the use of ice in the treatment of DOMS may be contraindicated.”
Treatment of the Inversion Ankle Sprain: Comparison of Different Modes of Compression and Cryotherapy.
Wilkerson, G.B., Horn-Kingery, H.M.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, (1993) 17(5), 240-246.
“The results of this study indicate that local compression appears beneficial, but increased frequency and duration of cryotherapy does not appear to enhance the rate of recovery following an inversion ankle sprain.” 『本研究結果指出局部施壓有利,但增加冰敷之頻率與持續時間,並無助促進足踝內翻扭傷復原。』
Scientists discover that inflammation helps to heal wounds.
Science Daily, (2014) October
“Zhou and colleagues found that the presence of inflammatory cells (macrophages) in acute muscle injury produce a high level of a growth factor called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) which significantly increases the rate of muscle regeneration.”
Macrophages recruited via CCR2 produce insulin-like growth factor-1 to repair acute skeletal muscle injury.
Lu, H., Huang, D., Saederup, N., Charo, I. F., Ransohoff, R.M., Zhou. L.
The FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Journal, (2011) 25(1), 358-369.
Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of ice therapy in patients with an acute tear in the gastrocnemius muscle: a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Preliminary effectiveness in our limited-sized trial (19 subjects) indicates that the use of ice is not beneficial for people who receive ice therapy.
Effect of accelerated rehabilitation on function after ankle sprain: randomised controlled trial.
Bleakley, C. M., O'Connor, S. R., Tully, M. A., Rocke, L. G., MacAuley, D. C., Bradbury, I., Keegan, S., McDonough, S M.
British Medical Journal, (2010), 340, c1964.
An accelerated exercise protocol during the first week after ankle sprain improved ankle function; the group receiving this intervention was more active during that week than the group receiving standard care (i.e. R.I.C.E.).
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, (2001), 121(8), 462-471.
“Based on our results (22 Studies), functional treatment currently seems a more appropriate treatment and should be encouraged. Concerning effectiveness, immobilisation, if necessary, should be restricted to certain patients and for short time periods.”
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, ( 2002) (3), CD003762.
Functional treatment appears to be the favourable strategy for treating acute ankle sprains when compared with immobilisation.
Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries of active people. They are usually treated by either a plaster cast being placed around the ankle so that the joint cannot move, or by treatments that only support the ankle. These are known as functional treatments and can include tapes, bandages or wraps. This review of trials (21 trials) found that functional treatment helped patients return to work and sports more quickly,and helped reduce swelling initially.
Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research, (2007), 455, 169-172.
“Based on our review (9 randomized controlled trials) the current best evidence suggests a trend favoring early functional treatment over immobilization for the treatment of acute lateral ankle sprains.”
The effects of topical icing after contusion injury on angiogenesis in regenerating skeletal muscle.
Peake, J., Singh, D., Lonbani, Z.B., Woodruff, M., Steck, R.
Journal of the American Societies for Experimental Biology, (2015)., 29(1), supp 826.5.
Topical icing suppressed inflammation but also delayed angiogenesis in regenerating muscle. These findings challenge the practice of using ice to treat muscle injuries.
這些是正統的專業期刊,當中包括有六十七年歴史(since 1948)的Journal of Applied Physiology (美國生理學學會出版的應用生理學期刊),及1972年創刋,並由American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine(美國運動醫學骨科學會)協助出版之American Journal of Sports Medicine (美國運動醫學期刊)。科學家、醫療人員,每有新發現都會刊登研究報告在這些期刊上,要刊出也非要經同儕嚴格審閱(Peer –reviewed)不成,並非互聯網上七咀八舌的爭論,更非八卦週刋由藥廠商家提供的健康新知。
敷冰與否,對治療急性運動創傷效果當然有別,但最大問題並非敷冰這做法,而是背後對軟組織創傷修復的錯誤理解才是問題癥結,若典範認為炎症是十惡不赦的反應,務要除之而後快,便會衍生出各種消炎的方法,如敷冰、服食非類固醇消炎藥、注射類固醇等。炎症是運動系統中軟組織(不包括神經組織)創傷的重要修復反應(Lu, et al., 2011),只管消炎便會阻礙復原,更可惜的是,竟然在治療慢性肌腱疼痛中也應用同樣典範,只管盲目消炎止痛的惡果,就是無數患者受長期痛症煎熬。
Bleakley, C.M., Glasgow, P., Webb, M.J. (2011). Cooling an acute muscle injury: can basic scientific theory translated into the clinical setting? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46, 296-298.
Chan, K.M., Fu, S.C. (2009). Anti-inflammatory management for tendon injuries-friends or foes? Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology, 1(1), 23.
Forsyth, A.L., Zourikian, N., Valentino, L.A., Rivard, G.E. (2012). The effect of cooling on coagulation and haemostasis: should ‘ice’ be part of treatment of acute haemarthrosis in haemophilia? Haemophilia, 18(6), 843-850.
Lescaudron, L., Peltekian, E., Fontaine-Perus, J., Paulin, D., Zampieri, M., Garcia, L., Parrish, E. (1999). Blood borne macrophages are essential for the triggering of muscle regeneration following muscle transplant. Neuromuscular Disorders, 9(2), 72-80.
Lu, H., Huang, D., Saederup, N., Charo, I. F., Ransohoff, R.M., Zhou. L. (2011) . Macrophages recruited via CCR2 produce insulin-like growth factor-1 to repair acute skeletal muscle injury. The FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) Journal, 25(1), 358-369.
Niemczura, R.T., DePalma, R.G. (1979). Optimal compress temperature for wound hemostasis. Journal of Surgical Research, 26(5), 570-573.
Peake, J., Singh, D., Lonbani, Z.B., Woodruff, M., Steck, R. (2015). The effects of topical icing after contusion injury on angiogenesis in regenerating skeletal muscle. Journal of the American Societies for Experimental Biology, 29(1), supp 826.5.
Prins, J.C., Stubbe, J.H., van Meeteren, N.L., Scheffers, F.A., van Dongen, M.C. (2011). Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of ice therapy in patients with an acute tear in the gastrocnemius muscle: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 25(5), 433-441.
Puddu, G., Ippolito, E., F.A., Postacchini, F. (1976). A classification of Achilles tendon disease. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 4, 145-150.
Reinl, Gary. (2013) Iced! The Illusionary Treatment Option, USA.
Robertson, T.A., Maley, M.A., Grounds M.D., Papadimitriou, J.M. (1993). The role of macrophages in skeletal muscle regeneration with particular reference to chemotaxis. Experimental Cell Research, 207(2), 321-331.
Shibaguchi, T., Sugiura, T., Fujitsu, T., Nomura, T., Yoshihara, T., Naito, H., Yoshioka, T., Ogura, A., Ohira, Y. (2016). Effects of icing or heat stress on the induction of fibrosis and/or regeneration of injured rat soleus muscle. Journal of Physiological Sciences, 66(4), 345-357.
Starkey, C. (2013). Therapeutic Modalities. 4th edition F.A. Davis Company.
Sutor, A.H., Bowie, E.J., Owen, C.A. (1971). Effect of temperature on hemostasis: a cold-tolerance test. Blut, 22(1), 27-34.
Takagi, R., Fujita, N., Arakawa, T., Kawada, S., Ishii, N., Miki, A. (2011). Influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury to skeletal muscles in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 110, 382-388.
Valeri, C.R., MacGregor, H., Cassidy G., Tinney, R., Pompei, F. (1995). Effects of temperature on bleeding time and clotting time in normal male and female volunteers.. Critical Care Medicine, 23(4), 698-704.